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Bedgrove Junior School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Year 6 Homework

 Year 6 Project Work

To help pupils’ transition, and prepare for homework expectations in secondary school, Year 6 will be set project work over the remainder of the school year. Each project will have a theme and will have a specific time for completion – the time frame may differ from project to project. Pupils are encouraged not to hand work in sooner as pupils should spend a quality amount of time on the work and should be proud of the efforts handed in. At secondary school, pupils will be expected to engage in around 1-2 additional hours of homework each evening therefore we would expect children to engage in around 3-4 hours of homework each week to complete this project.

The themes of the projects will link to work covered in school and are likely to feature subjects and objectives in the KS2 curriculum.

Pupils should try and be independent learners during this homework; whilst some information will be revision of areas taught at school, some areas may need require research for additional information.

This homework is compulsory and it is an expectation that they complete it to a good standard and handed in on time. Pupils should recognise that this this work will support them in Year 7 with managing workload independently. Project work will be looked at and rewarded based upon the level of effort put into it – feedback, house tokens, gold books and head teacher awards will be given.

Homework Project 3 Set 19th June and due in Monday 15th July


We will be setting maths homework each week to be completed. This will either be TTRS or Doodle Maths - please use the timetable to know what the order will be. Children will record their homework in their planner on a Tuesday and this will be checked the following Monday.


We expect the children to read at least three times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes in Year 6.  They should record this in their reading journals, noting the book they are reading, the pages they have read and a comment about the book. This could be a summary, prediction or opinion of what they have read.

After finishing a book, the children should log onto the Accelerated Reader website complete a comprehension quiz to show their understanding of the text. Class teachers check Accelerate Reader each week for their class.

Once you have read a book, click on Accelerated Reader – type in the book name (not all books have a quiz) – click on take quiz and work through the questions – you can take a vocabulary test afterwards if it is offered to you.




Children will be explicitly taught spelling rules within class. Spelling lists will be sent home for parents' info and if you would like to practise or learn them at home, please do! We will not sit weekly tests however, children are expected to use Spelling Shed weekly to practise their spelling rules and common exception words but the more they practise the better their outcomes will be. They can play any of the games available.

Stage 1 and 2 = year 1 and 2

Stage 3 and 4 = year 3 and 4

Stage 5 and 6 = year 5 and 6


Times Tables 

Times Table Rockstars will be set every other Tuesday; children are expected to complete the challenges that have been set. Children are encouraged to continue to use this programme or Doodle Maths to practise their timetables on a daily basis.  Links are; and



When homework is set on TTRS, sections will be greyed out so they can't access anything other than their homework. A headphone symbol will appear which tells them how many games have been completed out of the amount set.


Doodle Maths

Download the free app onto any touchscreen device (iPad, Kindle Fire, Android Tablet etc.)  You can also access through the Doodle Maths website.
or computer.

-This app is tailored to your child's ability level in Maths.  All children have completed a Doodle Maths baseline assessment in school so that they can work through the questions as often as they like (collecting stars along the way) at their own pace and a suitable level for each individual child.  This app/website  covers all areas of the Maths curriculum.

More information can be found at 

-When homework is set for the children on alternate Tuesdays, it will be displayed as a green circle with the heading; 'Extras.'


Rewards and Recognitions

To encourage children further, house tokens and headteacher awards will be given to those children for who go above expectations. 
