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Bedgrove Junior School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust



Introducing Our Governors


Katy Bisset, Chair of Governors 

I became a Parent Governor in late 2020 as I wanted to be able to contribute my skills and expertise to Bedgrove Junior School; I joined the governing board not long after my eldest joined BJS. I’ve got three children, and live in Bedgrove, so I have a keen interest in seeing the ongoing progression and improvement of the school from a parental viewpoint.


I’ve been a secondary school teacher for over 10 years; I’m now the Deputy Head of Science at my current workplace. I have an in-depth knowledge of the education system and a passion for seeing improvements in standards of education of not just my children but of all children – inclusive of their ability and background.


I’ve got a particular interest in two areas – STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) progression for all and inclusion of children with additional needs as my middle child has learning disabilities, and hope to use my skills in these and other areas in education to further the great work that BJS does for our children and our community.



Harry Hillier - Headteacher 

I am very proud to be the Headteacher of Bedgrove Junior School. Having started the post in September 2022, I am early into my journey with the school, however, already I am impressed with the strengths of the school. In my previous school, I was in charge of Teaching and Learning, assessment, behaviour and staff development. I am passionate about giving children the best possible school experience as possible. I believe primary school should all be about curiosity, enjoyment and engagement. As Headteacher, I am determined to ensure Bedgrove Junior has an exciting and enriching curriculum that helps children grow and develop so they are ready for the next step in their educational journey. By incorporating in the learning our values of Inspire, Challenge and Succeed I believe that children will be self-motivated, well rounded and will have a love of learning.  



Laura Gregory, Community Governor

I joined the Governing Body of Bedgrove Junior School in 2020 as a Co-opted Governor and became a Community Governor in 2021.  I recognise the valuable role governors have in offering a strategic view to support the school in the development of all children and wanted to use my experience in education to offer an outside perspective whilst having a full understanding of the primary education system.


I have been a primary school teacher for over 20 years. I have previous Leadership experience, including the roles of Deputy Head Teacher, SENDCO, Core Curriculum Leadership and previous Governor experience.  I am currently teaching part-time at a local primary school.


I am passionate about ensuring children leave school with a life-long love of learning and fully support the school and their vision. I have particular interests in curriculum and whole school well-being.


I live in Bedgrove with my husband and 2 children. My eldest attended Bedgrove Junior School and my youngest is currently attending here.  I am pleased to be able to contribute to the continuous development of the school and offer my skills and experience within the local school community.



Bob Arnot, Parent Governor

I am the father of two children at Bedgrove Junior School, my daughter Lara and my son Okalo. We have re-located to the UK (as a consequence of the COVID pandemic) and came to live in Aylesbury in September 2020. The children have thoroughly enjoyed their time at Bedgrove Junior School and my wife Patience and I have been impressed at the ease with which they have been integrated and made friends. The school is clearly impressive and as a Parent Governor I would be seeking to ensure the maintenance of its current high standards for all children.


Currently, I work as an independent consultant on international development projects, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. Previously I was Portfolio Lead for Justice, Security and Conflict work in sub-Saharan Africa for the British Council. I was also the National Programme Director for programmes financed by the UK government and the European Union in Nigeria. The work, valued at around £200m, addressed issues in governance (particularly anti-corruption); justice, security and policing reform; conflict reduction in the NE of Nigeria in response to the Boko Haram insurgency; economic development and land reform; and sexual and gender-based violence. Prior to that I was a University Head of Department and a Visiting Professor at a number of universities both in the UK and internationally in Economics and Political Economy.  I have a BSc (Econ) degree from the London School of Economic (LSE) and a PhD from Glasgow University. Currently I am also an external examiner in International Economics at Glasgow Caledonian University.



Saritha Thirunagari, Community Governor & Vice Chair

I was appointed as Co-Opted Governor by the LGB in December 2021 for a period of one year. I am currently the Health and Safety Governor for Bedgrove Junior School. This is my first experience as a Governor.


I always wanted to give back to the community and this was the inspiration to become a governor. Every child deserves outstanding educational opportunities and a bright future. Being a governor will enable me to play an important part in the lives of children who will become responsible citizens in future.


I am a doctor by profession and currently working as Anaesthetic Registrar at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. I am a Purple Partner(parent volunteer) at Bedgrove Infant School. Reading is a stepping-stone to life long learning and “a passport to countless adventures”(Mary Pope Osborne). I enjoyed listening to kids reading books and helping out at school when needed before the Covid Pandemic.


I am a proud mother of 3 children – one at Bedgrove Infant School and two at Bedgrove Junior School. I am a critical friend to school and believe my role will help in furthering education of my children along with other children in Bedgrove Junior School. I aspire to inspire children to continue their interest in reading, challenge leaders where necessary and hope to contribute my skills in successful achievement of the three-year strategic vision of Bedgrove Junior School.


Ms Ramya Palanisamy, Parent Governor

I joined the parent governor team at Bedgrove Junior School in late 2024, driven by my gratitude for the exceptional support my children have received from the dedicated staff. Their commitment has significantly enhanced my children's educational experience and overall well-being. I believe it is essential for every child to feel valued and understood, with their unique needs met with compassion and dedication. This belief has inspired me to contribute to the parent governor team and support the school in its mission.


I also reflect on the immense support I received from my school during my childhood, alongside the unwavering encouragement from my parents, which inspired me to pursue seven graduate degrees. This experience has instilled in me a deep appreciation for the vital role that supportive educational environments play in a child's development, motivating me to contribute similarly to the community at Bedgrove Junior School.


My vision is to help create a fair, reasonable, and enjoyable environment for all students, with a particular emphasis on supporting those with special needs. This focus is deeply personal to me, as I have navigated the education system while advocating for children with special needs. This journey has been both challenging and rewarding, providing me with profound insights into the importance of empathy, patience, and unwavering support.


Professionally, I come from a background in cancer research and have transitioned into healthcare management over the past 15 years. Currently, I work in a GP practice in South Bucks, where I oversee Business Strategies, Operations, Finance, HR, Compliance, and Governance, all while fostering a positive team environment. I am passionate about the services we provide to the community and dedicated to team building and development, striving to achieve high levels of patient and staff satisfaction. Additionally, I advocate for my colleagues' interests in my role as the South Bucks management representative for the Local Medical Committee, supporting my primary care team in delivering exceptional healthcare services.


Outside of my professional duties, I cherish spending quality time with my children, enjoy travelling and gardening. I look forward to contributing to the parent governor team and working towards the shared goals for the benefit of all students at Bedgrove Junior School.


This section tells you who our Local Governors are, what category of governor each person has been appointed as, the responsibilities they hold, the committees they sit on and the end date of their term of office. It includes any governor who has served in the last 12 months.  More information about each current member of our Local Governing Board is available above.  


The LGB appoints Community Governors and Co-opted Governors.  Parents nominate and, where there are more nominations than vacancies, elect Parent Governors.  The same method is used for the Staff Governor positions.   


If you wish to contact Katy Bisset, the Chair of Governors, please email or contact Katy via the school office by calling 01296 487973.  

Bedgrove Junior Local Governing Board grid 2022-23



Type of Governor

Term started

Term ends



Pupil Discipline

HR Related/ Complaints

Voting Rights

Helen Bush



Stood down


Finance/ PM/Whistleblowing





Harrison Hillier








Hazel Hutt



Stood down 7.12.21






Bob ArnotParent14.12.2113.12.25     

Katy Bisset

Community ReviewX  Full
Adam DjiboParent14.12.2113.12.25    Full

Natalie Benton






Chantelle GoreStaff23.3.2122.3.25Development/Educational Visits   Full

Karen Harper



Stood down


Co-Vice Chair/CP/LAC

Equalities/Pay Review


Robyn Hyde



Stood down


Co-Vice Chair/

Data Prot/ Finance

X  Full
Laura GregoryCommunity15.10.2114.10.25Pupil Premium/Curriculum/Sport




Sophie WiffinCo-opted9.7.21Stood down as Community governor on 7.4.22 and reappointed a Co-Opted governor 7.4.22 - 6.4.23Risk/PM   Full
Salome WilliamsCommunity9.7.21

Stood down


Curriculum/Mental Health & Wellbeing/Personnel   Full
Saritha ThinuragariCommunity14.12.2114.12.25Health & Safety   None
James Holmes


Stood down 14.9.21

3.12.2014.9.21    None
Jodie HaynesStaff17.7.19Stood down 31.8.21    Full
Olga Harte


(Parent from 25.4.17-24.4.21)

25.4.21Stood down 21.7.21    None
Tim PopeStaff1.12.17Stood down 30.11.20    Full


Abbreviations of offices held: CP = Child Protection, LAC - Children Looked After, Dev = Development, PM = Performance Management Reviewer,  SEND = Special Educational Needs, Data Prot = Data Protection, H&S = Health & Safety


Co-opted governors are appointed by the Local Governing Board for up to a year either to work on a particular project, or because they bring a particular skill or area of knowledge to the board, or with a view to appointing them as full local governors within the year.  


Numbers indicate an order of contact should a committee prove necessary.  Any Governor with prior knowledge of the situation or people involved would withdraw when contacted. Governors from collaborating schools would be contacted to join the Committee if necessary.


The Local Governing Board conducts its business as a board and no longer has a committee structure with the exception of those committees which need to be convened for HR related matters, complaints or pupil discipline matters.  
