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Bedgrove Junior School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Year 3 Homework

Maths Homework Timetable

Year 3 Spellings

Year 3 Homework


Reading - We expect the children to read at least three times a week for a minimum of 10 minutes in Year 3.  They should record this in their Reading Records. (These will be sent home with reading books once we have completed assessments to ensure the children have books at the correct level.)


Spellings - Children will be explicitly taught spelling rules within class. Spelling lists will be displayed on the website for each half term.  Children will not be formally assessed on these spellings but we will be focussing on them is class.   Children will be expected to use Spelling Shed weekly to practise their spelling rules and common exception words but the more they practise the better their outcomes will be. They can play any of the games available.



Times Tables Rock Stars - Times Table Rock stars will be set every other Tuesday; children are expected to complete the challenges that have been set. Children are encouraged to continue to use this programme or Maths Shed to practise their timetables on a daily basis.  Links are; and


When homework is set on TTRS, sections will be greyed out so they can't access anything other than their homework. A headphone symbol will appear which tells them how many games have been completed out of the amount set.


Maths Shed

This is also on the Edshed website and can be accessed in the same way as Spelling shed tasks.



Rewards and Recognitions

To encourage children further, house tokens and headteacher awards will be given to those children for who go above expectations. 

National Curriculum document on spellings
