Parent Forum
Parent Forum
Parent forum has been running for the past four years, this is an opportunity for parents to have a cuppa and a biscuit while discussing Bedgrove Junior School news, school improvements and to have a say! Meetings happen half termly for an hour. During the last year, we have discussed transitions, the behaviour policy, assessments, parents evening, residential trips and 'theme weeks'. Parents who previously attended have felt that they are making a difference to the education for all, they feel part of a team and feel valued because they have a voice. Feedback from the forum is shared with the senior leadership team and all staff.
As a school we are always thinking about ways in which we can build on our existing community and expand further. Parent forum allows us to develop stronger relationships between staff and families. The ideal vision is to have a least one representative per class that parents can pass their ideas onto. If you are interested in joining, please contact the office.
Up and coming meetings...
Thursday 14th December at 9:00am
Minutes from Parent Forum Meetings...