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Bedgrove Junior School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Music and Creative Arts

"Talent and Passion are essential elements in an actors life. Teaching is the glue that holds it all together."

-Denise Simon 

Mayor's Carol Service, St Mary's Church, Aylesbury


At Bedgrove Junior School we deliver a high quality creative arts curriculum where we want to inspire all children to engage in the joys of music, drama and dance. We provide a progressive skills and knowledge based curriculum to enable them to create and develop a passion for this subject and to succeed both within performing arts and beyond. We also aim to challenge the children to develop performance skills and confidence which will be transferable to other subjects within the curriculum. We aim to provide all children with a good knowledge within performing arts and music, to enable them to progress both outside of school, in extracurricular activities, and to prepare them for secondary school and beyond. We work hard to identify specific talent within children and work hard to ensure further opportunities are explored.

Music and Creative Arts across Bedgrove

Young Voices at the O2 Arena

Year 5 pupils performing in Music assembly

Year 6 composition lesson

Artsmark Silver Award - feedback from our assessors:

We are delighted to inform you that your setting has been awarded an Artsmark Silver Award. Congratulations!’

'Your commitment to providing a wide ranged music offer has ensured your pupils have had access to some exciting learning opportunities’.

‘Your established choir has performed at Young Voices at the 02 and sung at local events’.

‘You have established music ambassadors to promote music in the school.’

‘Your recent link with the Aylesbury Symphony Orchestra presented a super opportunity for some of your pupils to perform with them on stage at their Summer Film Music Concert. How delightful!’

‘The Well-Being Wednesdays during lockdown to encourage children to be creative at home by engaging in activities such as painting, playing music, writing poetry, reading, drawing and dancing sound innovative.’

‘Music is clearly a strength at Bedgrove Junior.’

Useful Website Links:

Local Music and Creative Arts Clubs 


Please find below details of some of our local Music and Creative Arts Clubs.  If you would like to recommend a club for inclusion in this list, please email

Bedgrove Junior School Choir singing at the Aylesbury Santa Dash

Young Voices at the O2 Arena

Mayor's Carol Service

Instrumental lessons at Bedgrove Junior School

Tring School Performance

Theatre Trip to MK
