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Bedgrove Junior School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust



Welcome to Bedgrove Junior School, where the wellbeing of our students, parents, and staff is at the heart of everything we do. At Bedgrove, we understand that a positive and nurturing environment plays a crucial role in fostering the holistic development of our school community.


Wellbeing for Students:

We believe that a child's emotional and mental wellbeing is fundamental to their academic success and overall happiness. Our dedicated Wellbeing Team, comprised of caring and experienced staff and governors, is committed to creating a supportive atmosphere where every child feels valued and secure. Through various initiatives and activities, we aim to instill resilience, confidence, and a love for learning in our students.


Wellbeing for Parents:

At Bedgrove Junior School, we recognise the vital role parents play in a child's wellbeing and education. We encourage open communication and collaboration between parents, teachers, and the school community. Our school provides resources and support for parents to navigate the challenges of parenting and to actively engage in their child's educational journey.


Wellbeing for Staff:

Our staff members are the backbone of our school, and we prioritise their wellbeing to ensure a positive working environment. The Wellbeing Team collaborates with our dedicated staff to provide opportunities for professional development, stress management, and a work-life balance. By fostering a culture of support, we aim to empower all staff members to provide the best possible learning experience for our students.


Wellbeing Teams:

Bedgrove Junior School is proud to have not one but two dedicated Wellbeing Teams. The first is composed of a diverse group of staff and governors, ensuring a holistic approach to addressing the wellbeing needs of the entire school community. The second team operates within our Pupil Parliament, allowing students to actively participate in decisions related to their own wellbeing. This unique approach empowers our students and gives them a voice in shaping their school experience.


Holistic Approach:

We understand that wellbeing encompasses physical, mental, and emotional aspects. That's why our school adopts a holistic approach to wellbeing, integrating well-being initiatives into both the academic and extracurricular aspects of school life. From mindfulness activities to physical education, we strive to create an environment that nurtures every aspect of a child's development.


At Bedgrove Junior School, we believe that a focus on wellbeing creates a foundation for academic success, positive relationships, and lifelong learning. By working together as a community, we ensure that our students, parents, and staff thrive in a supportive and enriching environment. Together, we build a brighter future for all.
