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Bedgrove Junior School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Assessment information

At Bedgrove Junior School, we aim for high quality teaching and learning to take place in every classroom, together with the belief that every child can succeed. To enable children to be challenged effectively, supported at the correct level and achieve their full potential, the school has a robust assessment framework in place.


We monitor the progress of all pupil's very carefully and hold termly progress meetings to discuss any concerns.  However, teachers may approach their Year group Leader or a member of SLT in between meetings to discuss any individual concerns. If there has been a significant change in your child's outcomes then we may arrange to discuss this with you at a different time.


At Bedgrove Junior School, we use two forms of assessment: Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment.


Formative Assessment (Assessment for Learning)

Formative assessment is the use of day-to-day, often informal, assessments to explore pupils' understanding. It enables the teacher to decide how best to help pupils develop that understanding. This can be done through asking the children questions, observing them as they work, intervening during independent or group work, marking their books and providing feedback etc.   Formative assessment is not always recorded and can just be given/used verbally.


Summative Assessment (Assessment of Learning)

Summative assessment usually takes place after children have completed units of work or at an appropriate time within a term (as below). The information it gives indicates their progress and achievement. It gives children, parents and teachers valuable information about a child’s overall performance at a specific point in their learning and supports teachers with future planning.

Assessment weeks

During assessment week formal tests will be completed for reading, maths and SPaG. Moderation of writing will take place each term. Accelerated reader star tests should be completed each term for all pupils. Reading and spelling ages should also be completed at the beginning of the school year and at the end of the year. SEN children will complete the reading and spelling age tests termly.  


Assessment papers are downloaded from the PiXL website prior to each assessment week as they are updated each year. Year 6 will complete additional SATs preparation tests as appropriate.



Assessment at Bedgrove Junior is recorded using our tracking system, 'Insight'.  Teachers also record pupil data on the PIXL website, following the completion of PIXL tests, which enables us to identify gaps in learning. SEN data is also recorded on the children’s individual SSPs.


Approximate boundaries for PiXL assessments

These maybe updated as soon as the papers are published.



Y3  Y4  Y5 %

Y6 Scaled Score (2019 SATs paper)


ARE – 55%

GDS – 85%

ARE – 29

GDS – 41



ARE – 55%

GDS – 85%

ARE – 58

GDS – 95



ARE – 55%

GDS – 85%

ARE – 36

GDS – 55

